Building Industry-
Specific AI Chatbots:
The Role of Web
Scraping in Enhancing
Customer Support

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Oleg Boyko

Introduction: The Rapid Growth of AI and Its Demand

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly evolved, becoming an essential element in business strategies across industries. Companies are increasingly exploring how AI can enhance operational efficiency, drive innovation, and create competitive advantages. A recent McKinsey survey shows that 67% of organizations plan to increase their AI investments in the next three years, reflecting the growing confidence in AI’s transformative potential.

One of the key growth areas is Generative AI (Gen AI), which is making waves in fields like marketing, sales, and IT. AI-powered tools, such as virtual assistants and chatbots, are enhancing efficiency by automating routine tasks and providing real-time support, leading to fewer human errors and improved productivity.

In this article, we’ll look at how AI chatbots are being developed in specific industries, improving service quality and laying the groundwork for more advanced AI solutions.

Next, we will delve into the specifics of how these industry-specific chatbots are built and the unique challenges they face in delivering reliable and up-to-date insights.

The Specifics of Industry-Specific Chatbots

Developing chatbots for specialized industries presents unique challenges. Many AI chatbots, like those based on GPT models, have limited use in specialized industries such as law and medicine. The main issue is that these models are trained on a broad range of information, but their knowledge is frozen at a certain point in time. For example, as of the time of writing, GPT-4’s data only includes information up to October 2023, which limits its ability to provide advice based on the latest legal cases or medical research. Without real-time data access, chatbots in fields like law and healthcare risk offering outdated or inaccurate advice. A legal chatbot, for instance, might reference rulings that no longer apply, while a medical chatbot could suggest treatments that have since been updated or replaced by more effective options.

In fields like law and healthcare, where regulations and practices evolve constantly, this limitation can lead to significant consequences. Outdated legal advice could result in misguidance for clients, and inaccurate medical recommendations could negatively affect patient health. It is important to note that in the medical field, chatbots should only assist with initial consultations or help in selecting an appropriate specialist. They must not replace professional medical treatment or diagnosis. The risk of relying on pre-trained, static data in these critical sectors can undermine user trust and lead to operational risks.

How Chatbots Work with Data Aggregation Modules

One of the key technologies behind effective chatbot solutions in specialized fields is Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). RAG combines a Large Language Model (LLM) with a knowledge base to retrieve relevant information and incorporate it into the chatbot’s response. This allows the system to generate contextually accurate and up-to-date answers by pulling from a wide array of sources. However, the quality of responses depends heavily on the prompts provided to the model. Well-structured prompts allow the chatbot to generate more precise and useful answers, while vague prompts can result in less relevant outputs.

RAG systems rely on a solid knowledge base. This can be a database filled with curated, domain-specific information that is used to supplement the AI model’s capabilities. In industries like law or medicine, having a static knowledge base might not be enough, as information in these fields evolves rapidly. For that reason, real-time data retrieval is often required. This is where web scraping comes in: the model retrieves live information from relevant sources in real-time, adds it to the context, and generates responses with the most recent data.

To ensure the relevance and accuracy of these responses, especially in industries with rapidly changing information, integrating web scraping becomes essential. Web scraping allows the chatbot to access live data from trusted sources, ensuring that its answers are always up-to-date and reliable.

For example, in legal and medical fields, even a well-maintained knowledge base can become outdated quickly. Legal precedents or medical protocols change, and a static database cannot always keep up. Web scraping enables the chatbot to continuously refresh its context by retrieving the latest information from relevant sources, such as legal rulings or medical research publications. This ensures that the chatbot can provide advice based on the most recent developments, significantly improving the trustworthiness of its responses.

Case Studies: Law and Medicine

In the legal field, for example, a chatbot equipped with real-time web scraping can pull data from legal databases, government websites, and court rulings. This enables the chatbot to reference the most up-to-date legal statutes and rulings, rather than relying on outdated case law. If a user asks for legal advice, the chatbot searches for recent court decisions, ensuring that the guidance it provides reflects the latest legal changes, which reduces the risk of misguidance due to outdated counsel.

In the medical field, real-time web scraping enables the chatbot to access constantly evolving medical databases, research papers, and treatment guidelines. By connecting to sources such as PubMed, WHO, and clinical trial results, the chatbot can assist with initial consultations or suggest a specialist for further evaluation. While this ensures up-to-date advice, it is crucial to emphasize that chatbots must not replace professional medical decisions. Instead, web scraping enhances the chatbot’s ability to deliver relevant, evidence-based recommendations by adding the latest research into its context.

Challenges in Developing a Data Aggregation System for a Chatbot

Developing data aggregation systems for chatbots is a complex and multi-layered process that faces numerous challenges. From gathering heterogeneous data to ensuring its relevance and processing speed, each stage requires a meticulous approach. It is also important to consider the technical limitations that scrapers may encounter when working with various sources, as well as the issues of maintaining data accuracy and integrity. These aspects ultimately determine the reliability of data aggregation systems and, consequently, the effectiveness of the chatbot.

Developing data aggregation systems for chatbots presents a series of challenges. Ensuring response speed, data quality, and relevance are critical tasks that require careful attention at each stage of the process. Solving these problems depends on choosing the right components and data processing methods. Below, we’ll explore how different components can help address these challenges.

Handling large amounts of data from different platforms can cause technical challenges, like scraping restrictions or working with various data formats. The main goal is to ensure the scraper provides clean, useful information. While the chatbot processes the text, it’s the scraper’s job to gather and organize the best data possible. The success of the whole system depends on how well the scraper delivers accurate and structured content for the chatbot to work with. Moreover, real-time data access demands a robust system to guarantee that the responses are as quick and accurate as possible.


From our experience, scalability requires a universal and flexible solution that can handle the majority of websites containing the necessary information. For example, many legal websites feature built-in search tools. In such cases, our approach involves leveraging these internal tools to retrieve relevant data by submitting queries based on specific keywords.

The process starts by defining search forms for all relevant sources. Essentially, this involves developing a single scraper that follows a general algorithm across all websites:

1. Fill in the search form
2. Submit the form
3. Extract links to result pages from the returned list
4. If necessary, move to the next results page and repeat the process

For each website, we suggest creating a configuration file that includes the necessary XPath or CSS selectors and their sequence to execute these actions efficiently. This universal setup ensures flexibility and allows for quick adaptation to new sources without the need for extensive additional development work.

However, we anticipate potential challenges such as handling POST requests, CAPTCHA-solving (e.g., Google Invisible reCAPTCHA v3), or managing hidden fields specific to certain sites.

Legal and medical websites, for instance, often implement strong anti-scraping mechanisms like CAPTCHAs or block automated tools entirely. Addressing these restrictions requires advanced technical solutions, such as CAPTCHA-solving techniques or agreements with data providers for API access.

In some cases, we recommend considering the use of external search engines like Google or Bing instead of customizing scrapers for individual sites. While this approach could reduce the workload by only requiring a single search engine scraper, it comes with limitations. Search results may be outdated, depending on the last site indexing, and the order of results might not match the internal search results of the target website.

Content Gettering

At this stage, a key consideration is whether to return clean page content or full HTML. We recommend using clean content, as it removes redundant elements such as repeated symbols, line breaks, or non-relevant sections like headers, footers, and menus, which makes it more suitable for AI processing.

To handle dynamic content effectively, we suggest employing browser virtualization. While resource-intensive, it simplifies the process of managing dynamic web elements and can bypass certain protection mechanisms. Based on the project needs, we may either develop our own solution or utilize data unlockers to speed up development, though this could increase long-term operational costs.

Data Converter

Websites often provide data in non-text formats such as PDFs, DOCX, or other file types. To ensure uniformity, all formats must be converted into standard text. Existing open-source libraries can be utilized for these conversions, with specific solutions tailored for each file type.

Legal and medical data is often stored in non-standard formats, such as PDFs or DOCX files. Converting these formats into plain text is a separate task that greatly impacts the overall system’s performance. AI models, including LLMs, work best with structured text, and the quality of the conversion process directly affects the reliability of the chatbot’s answers. Therefore, it is essential to integrate robust document conversion tools that can accurately process these formats and extract relevant information without losing critical details.


Managing the different stages of data collection requires a well-structured API. From our experience, we recommend developing an API that processes data inputs and returns the required outputs efficiently. This API will act as a task and scraper management system, breaking down larger tasks into parallel subtasks, thus improving processing speed. It will also consolidate the results and prepare the final output.

Given the specialized nature of this API, we suggest omitting standard subsystems like user management or roles, as the API will only be accessible via requests from whitelisted IPs or through manually generated static access keys.

Deployment & Testing

To ensure fast, seamless scalability, we recommend deploying all services in the cloud using Docker containers within a Kubernetes (K8s) cluster. This setup allows for automatic scaling and dynamic resource allocation in response to fluctuations in API load. In addition, pre-configured complex response scenarios—such as pre-warmed resources for faster scaling—can help prevent cost overruns during periods of high demand. This approach can be applied to all services, including the API, scrapers, and file converters.

Monitoring systems

To maintain system performance and ensure operational stability, we suggest using a combination of monitoring tools such as Sentry, Grafana, and possibly CloudWatch. This setup enables the configuration of alerts and rules to monitor a wide range of metrics, including:

  • Detecting abnormal or unexpected scraper responses
  • Tracking failed text extractions, downloads, or file conversions
  • Counting the number of results for specific keywords
  • Monitoring average search times on target websites

By tracking these metrics in real time, any anomalies or website changes can be detected early, allowing us to respond quickly and restore functionality. This also ensures that scrapers are promptly updated when website layouts or structures change.


The article underscores the significant impact that real-time data aggregation through web scraping has on the development of industry-specific AI chatbots. For fields like law and healthcare, where accuracy and up-to-date information are critical, generic AI models often fall short due to outdated data. Web scraping solves this problem by providing chatbots access to live, relevant information from specialized databases. This not only enhances the quality of chatbot interactions but also allows businesses to reduce operational costs and improve customer service by automating the retrieval of crucial data and minimizing manual input.

For GroupBWT, this presents a valuable opportunity to showcase its expertise in building custom data aggregation and web scraping platforms. With the increasing demand for AI-powered customer support, GroupBWT’s ability to develop tailored scraping solutions can significantly enhance chatbot performance, ensuring accuracy, efficiency, and scalability. By offering real-time data solutions, GroupBWT helps businesses optimize their workflows, provide more timely and personalized responses, and ultimately improve customer satisfaction. The company’s experience in managing complex data scraping tasks, overcoming site restrictions, and delivering structured data positions it as a key player in this evolving landscape.

Ready to enhance your AI chatbot with real-time, industry-specific data? Contact GroupBWT today to discuss custom data aggregation solutions tailored to your business needs.

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