MeetUp at IT STEP Computer Academy: scrapers
One more meetup from a series of meetings in STEP Academy. Current Meetup topic was backend. One of the speakers was Dmitry, our colleague from another IT team, our friends and the other was Gleb, our developer. He spoke about parsers, scrapers, crawlers, differences between them, details of implementation, possible issues and ways to avoid them. Parsers and scrapers are among our most frequent projects for last couple of years and we can guarantee that we provide the highest physically possible performance with the least possible effort. We already have our own solutions at place, which help us, and, which is even more imporant, we have huge experience. We parsed google, yellow pages, amazon, ebay, zillow, macy’s, bing, foursquare, twitter and dozens of other less popular sites. If you are looking for some nice automated solution for your business needs – you are welcome.